How to Change Subtitle Size in Apple TV Plus Channel

The default size of the subtitles (captioning) is way too small for my old eyes to read. I needed to make them bigger. Fortunately, there is a way to change the size of subtitles buried in the settings of the Apple TV Plus app.

Changing Subtitle Size in Apple TV+ for Roku

  1. Start the Apple TV+ channel.
  2. Select the settings gear located at the upper-right corner of the main screen.
  3. Arrow down and select Accessibility.
  4. Select Subtitles and Captioning.
  5. Select Style.
  6. Change the settings as desired. You can select Large Text, Classic, or Outline. A preview of what the subtitles will look like will appear on the left side of the screen.
  7. If the default settings don’t provide you with the subtitle size or font you like, select Edit Styles.
  8. You can select Style Preset 1 to edit the default subtitle style settings or select New Style to make a new set. From there, you can change the subtitle font, size, color, background color, opacity, and more.
    Roku Apple TV Plus Subtitle Settings

Displaying Subtitles in Apple TV+ For Roku

You can turn subtitles on and off by pressing Down on the arrow-pad while playing content and selecting the desired subtitle setting to turn them on. Uncheck the selection to turn subtitles off.

Roku Apple TV Plus Turn Subtiltes On

I hope this post has provided you with the instructions you needed to change the subtitle size and settings for the Roku Apple TV+ app. If you still need help, drop me a comment below.

3 thoughts on “How to Change Subtitle Size in Apple TV Plus Channel”

  1. I’m 73 years old and needed the subtitle size increased on Apple+. I was able to do it with your simple instructions.Thanks for the help


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