Roku Fix “Could not add Prime Video” Error

Users of the Roku may get an error when trying to add the Amazon Prime Video app to their device that says, “Could not add Prime Video“. This problem normally appears because the Roku has detected you are trying to add the Prime Video channel from a country where the channel is not supported.

These steps will typically fix the problem.

Fix 1 – Check for Roku Updates

  1. Ensure you are on the latest version of the Roku software. Perform these steps to check for an update.
  2. From the Home screen, select “Settings” > “System“.
  3. Scroll down and select “System Update“.
  4. Select “Check now“.

Fix 2 – Restart

Restart the Roku. This clears the memory and may allow you to install Amazon Prime Video.

  1. From the Home screen, select “Settings” > “System“.
  2. Choose “Power“.
  3. Select “System restart“.

Fix 3 – Region Setting

Ensure your Roku device is set to a region that supports the Prime Video app.

  1. If you haven’t already, create a Roku account where the Prime Video app is supported on the device (like the United States). To do this, you will have to be using an Internet connection from the US. If you’re outside of the US, you will need to use a VPN app to register from a US based Internet connection.
  2. Perform a factory reset on your Roku device using these steps:
    • Settings” > “System” > “Advanced system settings” > “Factory reset“. or
    • Settings” > “Factory reset” > “Factory reset” > “Yes“.
  3. Setup your Roku using your new account. You will need to do this using an Internet connection inside of the United States.

Fix 4 – Ensure You’re Not Running a VPN

If you’re running VPN software on your Internet connection, Amazon may be detecting that you’re trying to connect from a different country. Therefore, not allowing you to open a video that is blocked in the region detected.

Disable any VPN connections you may have, restart the Roku, then try to add the Prime Video channel again.

I hope these steps have helped you solve the “Could not add Prime Video” error message when adding the Prime Video channel to your Roku. Let me know how everything worked out for you in the comments.

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